| Wire the boards together as the Photo-Fritzing. Power up.
Wiring net-list
Name | UNO | Pro Micro | Color |
Power | 5V | VCC | Orange |
Ground | GND | GND | Green |
SCK | 13 | 15 | White |
MISO | 12 | 14 | Blue |
MOSI | 11 | 16 | Brown |
Reset | 10 | RST | Grey |
 | The Arduino UNO should be loaded with the "ArduinoISP" application.
- File -> Examples -> ArduinoISP.
- Tools -> Board -> Arduino Uno.
- File -> Upload (Ctrl-U).
 | Select the board you are going to program. This is a ATmega32u4 MCU which is the same as Arduino Leonardo.
- Tools -> Board -> Arduino Leonardo.
 | Use Arduino UNO as an ISP programmer.
- Tools -> Programmer -> Arduino as ISP.
 | Burn and wait a minute or so!.
- Tools -> Burn bootloader.