Documentation is like sex.
When it is good, it is very very good.
When it is bad, it is better than nothing.
-- Bruce Perence
If my description is too short then go look at
When installing Red Hat 5.2 all package which is about C development should be installed.
This example describe how to do a simple installation. A real installation should be made acording to the OFA standard (PDF-file 350KB).
# set 'oracle' as owner
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
# add a group named 'dba'
groupadd dba
# add a user named 'oracle'
useradd -g dba oracle
# change password for oracle
passwd oracle
# Change mode on '/home/oracle' if you will run Apache/PHP
chmod 755 /home/oracle
# Create '/etc/oratab'
echo ORCL:/home/oracle:Y > /etc/oratab
# Change owner
chown oracle:dba /etc/oratab
# ..and permission
chmod 664 /etc/oratab
# Give all users access to run Oracle apps.
echo export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle >> /etc/profile
echo export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle >> /etc/profile
echo export ORACLE_SID=ORCL >> /etc/profile
echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/oracle/lib >> /etc/profile
# If your main Oracle server is on a remote machine, then...
echo export TWO_TASKS=ORCL >> /etc/profile
# Mount the Oracle CD
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# Login as 'oracle'
su - oracle
# Go to install directory
cd /mnt/cdrom/orainst
# Start installation
# Just install the 'default'
# Modules:
# C/C++ Precompilers
# SQL*Plus
# I have had some problems with the default tnsnames.ora
# Try this one:
# Change 'localhost' to your hostname
cd /home/oracle
echo "ORCL=(DESCRIPTION=" > network/admin/tnsnames.ora
echo " (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" >> network/admin/tnsnames.ora
echo " (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=ORCL))" >> network/admin/tnsnames.ora
echo ")" >> network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# If your hostname is 'localhost', only users which is on the
# system can get a connection to Oracle. A smart trick if only
# PHP should use Oracle.
# Start Oracle Database
# Start the listener
lsnrctl start
# List current users
sqlplus system/manager <<EOF
select osuser, program from v\$session;
# Login as 'root' to get the environment from /etc/profile
# Pre-run 'configure' in apache
cd /usr/src/apache
# Go to your PHP directory (php-3.0.5 works fine)
cd /usr/src/php
# Run 'configure' with your favourit parameters like "--with-gd" etc.
# (PHP runs faster as a module than as a CGI)
./configure --with-oracle --with-apache=../apache --enable-track-vars
# Make the thing
# Install the module in apache
make install
# Go to Apache (apache_1.3.2 and later works fine)
cd ../apache
# Configure Apache
# (apache_1.3.4 has the option '--layout=GNU'. I guess it is better)
./configure --with-layout=GNU --activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a
# you gonna make it
# and install it
make install
# Activate PHP in Apache
# Go to your 'conf' directory
cd /usr/local/apache/etc
# edit srm.conf
vi srm.conf
# find the section with PHP in 'srm.conf'
/php (this is a 'vi' command ;-)
# remove the '#' from the following lines in 'srm.conf'
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
# exit 'vi' (or whatever editor you use)
# Fire up Apache (Apache will get the environment from /etc/profile)
# If you have stopped Oracle then start it now
# Download a simple example and place it here
/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs/whoison.php (or who.php for OCI-calls)
# Test 'whoison.php' with your favourit browser
# User name: system (option: system@ORCL)
# Password: manager (I better change it one day)
lynx localhost/whoison.php
# If it doesnt work, lookup your hostname in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
lynx `hostname`/whoison.php
# begin your big project
vi big_fat_app.php
When running 'orainst' you will have one difficult question:
There is already a SID running with the same name
Answer YES.
# Login as root
#mount /dev/sdg1 /u01 -- or whatever harddisk you have
# if you only have one HD then:
if test -d /u01; then
echo "got /u01"
mkdir /u01
if test -d /u02; then
echo "got /u02"
mkdir /u02
if test -d /u03; then
echo "got /u03"
mkdir /u03
# above: if you install a new HD later it is easy to mount on one of the above
# set 'oracle' as owner
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/8.0.5
# add a group named 'dba'
groupadd dba
# add a user named 'oracle'
useradd -g dba $ORACLE_OWNER
# give 'oracle' access to the mount points
chown $ORACLE_OWNER:dba /u0?
# Insert variables into oracle's .bash_profile
echo "#-- start inserted by root --" >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo export ORACLE_SID=$ORACLE_SID >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo export ORACLE_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo export ORACLE_DOC=$ORACLE_BASE/doc >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib>>/home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
# If your main Oracle server is on a remote machine, then...
echo export TWO_TASKS=ORCL >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
# extend the PATH
echo PATH=\$PATH:\$ORACLE_HOME/bin >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
echo "#-- end inserted by root --" >> /home/$ORACLE_OWNER/.bash_profile
# Mount the Oracle CD
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# run the root script
sh /mnt/cdrom/orainst/
# add the SID to oratab
echo $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:Y >> /etc/oratab
# Login as $ORACLE_OWNER
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "cd /mnt/cdrom/orainst; ./orainst"
echo "*** Oracle installation completed ***"
echo "A good idea to give '$ORACLE_OWNER' a password"
#passwd oracle
Sub-directories used by PHP during compilation: