Schou's Industries - the truth!!
It is quite common to present the managing director of the company on the homepage. So here I am. I'm CEO at Schou's Industries since 1987, Hans Schou <chlor@schou.dk> born 1962.

The picture was taken at a boarder meeting april 1998 where I presented the financial report for 1997 together with the company strategy for 1998-99. As you see, we had a good time, all wearing the company uniform.

Camera: Olympus Camedia digital camera C-1400-L

Here is the truth. I decided to put a picture of my self on my homepage. After some months i found a propella hat in the local store, a hat which I always had wanted, since it is so silly. I decided to wear this hat on my homepage, and then I took this picture of my self with the self timer.

Photo: Hans Schou, all rights reserved.